Earl Grey & Raspberry Loaves

Raspberry & Earl Grey Loaves

We’re well into British Summer Time and every now and then, between the heavy rainstorms, the sun has been showing itself. This means I want fresher, less rich bakes. With more fruity and floral flavours. Last year I made an Earl Grey and Poppy Seed loaf for the people across at Realm & Empire, and I wanted to do something similar this year. Raspberry & Earl Grey aren’t necessarily the first things you’d match together, but they complement each other perfectly and with a little lemon rind mixed through you get that fresh but floral taste I’d been craving.
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Courgette Pancakes

Courgette Pancakes

If you don’t like pancakes, you’re lying. They are one of the most versatile food types. From crepes to fat american style there’s a huge amount of contrast in both texture and flavour. You can make them sweet or savoury, from the toppings down to the amount of sugar you add into your mix. This particular recipe, for Courgette Pancakes, can be eaten with sweet food (try with syrup and peanut butter like we did) or savoury (omit the sugar from the recipe and have them with something like avocado and eggs).
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Pulled Jackfruit (Vegan Pulled ‘Pork’)

Pulled Jackfruit

It’s national vegetarian week! I have a lot of vegetarian and vegan friends, in fact I’m half way through another meat free month myself, and one of the big nitpicks is often how a lot of meat focused restaurants hardly make an effort, using the excuse “but there isn’t anything suitable” or “you really want another veggie chilli, right?” instead of trying something a bit different. This recipe would sit nicely on the menu at any of the major BBQ places across the UK, or even at a number of Mexican ones. There are in fact a couple of places that do entirely veggie and vegan Mexican where Pulled Jackfruit is a staple.
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Chocolate & Whipped Cream Pie

Chocolate Pie

I haven’t blogged in a month, and with good reason. There’s more on that later but for now, lets talk chocolate. I was given the Mast Brothers cookbook for my birthday and, as much as they may have been surrounded in controversy in December, that doesn’t effect the quality of the book. It is still packed with a great range of chocolate based recipes. From the simple all the way through to the more complex. I wanted to make something that wasn’t just one of their basics, but wasn’t in the mood to properly spend the time tempering chocolate. This left a few intriguing looking recipes, and with the realisation that I’ve not made a proper chocolate tart since last summer, I decided to make their Chocolate Pie with Whipped Cream.
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Blueberry & Raspberry Oatbake

Blueberry & Raspberry Oatbake

As you’ll have seen from my last post about our time in Glasgow a couple of weeks ago, we went to see my parents in Scotland over Easter. Before the rest of the talk about my time there I wanted to do another recipe, which I know have been rare over the last few weeks (oops). On my Birthday in March I had a day off and spent it being a tourist in London. We went to Dishoom for lunch and checked out the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibit at the Natural History Museum, but before we did any of that we grabbed breakfast from the Nordic Bakery. We specifically went for their cinnamon buns which are excellent, but while in there the Blueberry & Raspberry Oatbake caught my eye.

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