Living in London makes BBQ-ing particularly hard. So few people have decent outdoor space, so unless you’re going to use a disposable in the park, you’re going to struggle. The fact that the weather hasn’t exactly been playing ball so far this summer hasn’t really helped that either, but hey. I’ve already posted a seriously good Veggie Pulled ‘Pork’ recipe if you’re interested in something else you can do on your stove top. I’ve been meaning to try my hand at oven BBQ for a while, but never really have the excuse. I’ve wanted to do some form of Sriracha Pork Ribs for a long while, but with about 95% of butchers near where I live not even stocking pork it can make things quite tricky too. Even the local supermarket only had some fairly poor pre-packaged ribs.
Pulled Jackfruit (Vegan Pulled ‘Pork’)
It’s national vegetarian week! I have a lot of vegetarian and vegan friends, in fact I’m half way through another meat free month myself, and one of the big nitpicks is often how a lot of meat focused restaurants hardly make an effort, using the excuse “but there isn’t anything suitable” or “you really want another veggie chilli, right?” instead of trying something a bit different. This recipe would sit nicely on the menu at any of the major BBQ places across the UK, or even at a number of Mexican ones. There are in fact a couple of places that do entirely veggie and vegan Mexican where Pulled Jackfruit is a staple.
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