It amazes me that it’s somehow part way into September already. The temperature has already dropped and British Summer Time is coming to an end. So what you’re all eagerly anticipating (or not as I don’t think anyone reads these particular posts) is of course my Music Monthly (old posts here) post for August. With Hevy Fest at the start and a trip to Berlin it’s been a fairly playlist heavy month. But I’ll start with a band (and then a couple of playlists which I listen to fairly often).
Thrice – Back Catalogue
They are my favourite band and have been for many years. They reformed and headlined Hevy this year (the main reason I was there). They basically matured musically as my own tastes started to mature. I could go on for a while here so I’m just going to stick a playlist of all of their songs for you to educate yourselves with instead.
Top picks: Red Sky (Vheissu), In Exile (Beggars), Anthology (Major/Minor), Phoenix Ignition (Identity Crisis), Silhouette (The Artist In The Ambulance), Image Of The Invisible (Vheissu).
Chumped – Teenage Retirement
I spent some pleasant hours pottering around Berlin on my own listening to this album (amongst others). It’s summery, it’s catchy and it’s fun. If you like your female vocals and twiddly pop punk/emo then definitely give this a go.
Top picks: Hot 97 Summer Jam, December is the Longest Month
American Football – Self Titled
I went to see them a few months ago in Leeds on their first few UK dates ever. They were playing Leeds/Reading on the bank holiday weekend so they had a warm up show at Brooklyn Bowl (talk about a weird venue, people bowled throughout) which I attended. This is one of the defining albums of the emo genre (people can argue this all they like, it’s true). Give it a listen. It’s twiddly guitars with a touch of post rock and heartfelt lyrics. Not your sappy Dashboard type thing if that’s what you’re expecting.
Top picks: Never Meant, Honestly?