My blog has faded into the background of late, I mentioned it briefly in other recent posts so I’m not going to say any more about it here. Instead I’m just going to rave about cookies and how wonderful they are. I used to have a different go to cookie recipe, it’s on the blog and I’d still recommend it as a great one, but this one has taken its place. It’s an incredibly simple recipe that does require you to have some waiting time, and also has the added bonus of being completely vegan. It’s not asking you to make any awkward substitutes, and if you aren’t then you can stress less about the chocolate you’re putting in it. It just happens to be a very simple oil based cookie dough that doesn’t use butter or eggs. Chilling the dough is absolutely essential for the success of these cookies. A sprinkle of sea salt over each just before you bake them adds a pleasant salty burst, but if you don’t want it, it’s not needed. Read more
dark chocolate
Chocolate & Raspberry Tart
Christmas, it’s nearly upon us. I’ve had a quiet few weeks because life happened. I moved house (still in Walthamstow, still smug as f*ck, just a different bit) then a couple of weeks later I started a new job. The new new job required me to spend a whole week in Edinburgh. None of this was conducive to baking, photographing and writing. But as I said, Christmas is nearly here. So it’s time to start with the festive recipes. Jumping straight in with something insanely chocolatey, which’d be perfect as the dessert for a friendly get together, or maybe just to keep in the fridge to slowly work your way through yourself as part of proper festive decadence.
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Chocolate Blueberry Pie
Last year I was given the Mast Brother’s recipe book and I’ve not made enough from it. I decided to right that and bake one of the more unusual recipes from the book. This came in the form of a Chocolate Blueberry Pie. I love blueberry pies and I’ve put one up on the blog before. Adding chocolate, both to the filling and the pastry, makes this a much heavier and richer pie, but it’s something ideal for a cold winters evenings. Cover it with cream, or have it with some ice cream and you’re on to a winner.
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